

By Decolonization it means divesting African philosophical thinking of all undue influences emanating from our colonial past. The crucial word in this formulation is "undue". Obviously it would not be rational to try to reject everything of a colonial Ancestry. Conceivably, a thought or a mode of inquiry spearheaded by our colonizers may be valid or in some way beneficial to humankind. I think that it is a colonial type of mentality that regards African philosophy as something that should be kept apart from the mainstream of philosophical thinking. Compare how things stand or might stand in, say the study of British philosophy. Surely it would be more than mildly idiocy berate for a British teacher of philosophy in a British university to propose  in his teaching of metaphysics.  In fact there may be no such course in the given British university for the good reason that there may be no need for it. It would be a great day for African insights have become fully integrated ...


just as in oher sciences, man tries o manipulate nture to his own adverntage, we (philosphers) manipulate both nature, word and concepts to ur own advantage. Logic the science of all sciences.   D.A.B.EUCLID Oct/2016


Little April was not the best student in Sunday school. Usually she slept through the class. One day the teacher called on her while she was napping, "Tell me, April, who created the universe?" When April didn't stir, little Johnny, a boy seated in the chair behind her, took a pin and jabbed her in the rear. "GOD ALMIGHTY!" shouted April and the teacher said, "Very good" and April fell back asleep. A while later the teacher asked April, "Who is our Lord and Saviour," But, April didn't even stir from her slumber. Once again, Johnny came to the rescue and stuck her again. "JESUS CHRIST!" shouted April and the teacher said, "very good," and April fell back to sleep. Then the teacher asked April a third question. "What did Eve say to Adam after she had her twenty-third child?" And again, Johnny jabbed her with the pin. This time April jumped up and shouted, "IF YOU STICK THAT F*****G THIN...


THE MOST SADDEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE THAT I WILL ALWAYS CHERISH. (a fiction). The truth about life is that I can't actually force myself to be an Israeli while the programmer had already made me a full flesh Egyptian. Its actual much hard to let go that which i so much desire and have worked for, for so many years with much zest, more than four years but still, all that i yield is much more than a disappointment, an unfruitful voyage of discovery...   I even went to the church building just for that said treasure. Have you ever imaging you been chase out like a dog in public, before elderly men who are now looking at you like a pest or a piece of trash to their family? That I have experienced for many years, why can't I hate such an adorable treasure?. No matter what, been treated like a dog can never be a test, its just a sign of hatred. I have Just been much naive to must have gone searching for a gold, for all this years in the "church". Luv is not meant for us b...

A response to Prudence Eruetemu's work 'AN ARTICLE WRITTEN IN THE GRAVEYARD (Rewind,select and update)'

A response to Prudence Eruetemu's work 'AN ARTICLE WRITTEN IN THE GRAVEYARD (Rewind,select and update)' It is actually true that life is what we can't really explain, with things and realities having different degrees of perfection, some are much superior to others, and it is also true that everyman must die, dead is what no man can do for you, even 'jesus christ' himself had came and only died his own dead and ours is coming soon. I must die and you must die that's al ready the facts about life, everyman must die his own dead .   But bro, the suggestion that you gave your audience is in itself a problem. the golding rule in itself is a terrible error. I quite agree with you that the only way to make the place is via-our good deeds, my advice is that "you do good and avoid evil". ok let's take it this way, what do you think that a homosexualist or a lesbian will do unto others that they themselves will love and need same in return??????? also...


If you can't grasp the true nature of an entity or reality... Then teach nothing about it because you may only be transmitting or disseminating just your viruses and ignorance to others. If you see nothing... Say nothing. Don't claim tto be an authority on what you are only but a novice in it. D. A. EUCLID.....aug/2016


BY: A. B. D. EUCLID   Any country, nation or community which allows itself to be controlled or 'sit upon' by religion will always be under develop. Unless you think freely, without any form of arbitrariness,dogmatism, subjectivity and you let yourself to see thinks the way that they reaLly are in the real sense you will forever be a 'slave' to man and your "own" personal opinions. Modern Day Nigeria: The victim of Politics with Religiou s Coloration.... By: DABO AMEL EUCLID. AUGUST/016 CONTACTS ME ON::::: E-MAIL: BBM PIN: 33290FA6 PHONE NUMBERS: Home: 08125969393 Office: 07037255221 (Also for whatsaap) Other: 09059824311 SHALOM....