
Showing posts with the label what


just as in oher sciences, man tries o manipulate nture to his own adverntage, we (philosphers) manipulate both nature, word and concepts to ur own advantage. Logic the science of all sciences.   D.A.B.EUCLID Oct/2016

who is an african philosopher? (By: Dabo Euclid)

                                                INTRODUCTION             The non-universally accepted definition of philosophy and the multi-dimensional activities termed philosophical makes it an interesting discourse in arguing for, or against the existence of philosophy among a group of people or a community.             Running through the ages since man began to question the nature of the universe and the place of the human being in it, different people advance to express and give the meaning of philosophy in their various cultural, ideological and temperamental backgrounds. Some define philosophy from the ambient of their schools o...

SOCIALISM (By: Dabo Euclid)

                                                            INTRODUCTION             Socialist economy is based on central planning of all economic activities as opposed to the capitalist market price mechanism. Karl Marx (1818-1883) was the founder of the modern socialism.             In Africa, countries like Ethiopia, Tanzania, Angola, Burkina Faso, Guinea and Mozam Bisque have experimented and some are still experimenting various shades of socialism.                     ...