
Showing posts with the label Ethics

Ethics (By:Dabo Euclid)

INTRODUCCTION Ethically, the human person has the faculty of reason which help him to distinguish between what is good and what is bad.Man as a thinking being is faced with the perplexity of life. The moral perplexities/concernity people show concern about what we do which they expect, to Concord with human reason. They identify one limitation and let you know that it is wrong. What one does, people are watching to show concern to give moral perplexities; people who show this moral concern, contextualize one's moral action and as they do so, they also tell one to be morally reprehensible. Hence, it is in the light of this aforementioned this paper shall discuss the 'Ethical Theories'. DEFINITION: (Nature of Ethics). Another name for Ethics is "Moral Philosophy". The world Ethics comes from the Greek word " Echo's ",which means custom, character, or a herbitual way of acting. The Greek Ethos is translated by the Latin word " Mos" ...

Top 6 Fruits That Can Boost Your Energy In Bedroom

Its very glaring that nature holds a lot of gifts and solutions for humans, and sometimes, one of the biggest problem a lot of people have in the bedroom department can be fixed by simply eating the right things. Most people takes to medical pills but recent researches have son that most of these pills have their own side effect in human health. Now we have brought you best top 6 fruits that can boost your energy in the bedroom. Read bellow……… 1 – Strawberries and raspberries:The seeds of these fruits are loaded with zinc which is essential for s*x for both, men and women. If women have high levels of zinc their bodies find it easier to prepare for s*x. In men, zinc controls the testosterone level which is responsible for producing sperm. It is important that men load up on zinc as their zinc levels reduces during intercourse. 2 – Avocados:Folic acid and vitamin B6 are both necessary for a healthy s*x drive. Folic acid pumps the body with energy, while vitamin B6 stabilises the hormone...