
Showing posts with the label God

Tracing the ROOT of evil amidst THE goodness of creation (all God created he found very good) By Jubal Free-man Dabo (published by: Dabo Euclid).

INTRODUCTION Good and evil are often qualities attributed to objects, actions, and ideas. Generally, what is good is thought to be beneficial and what is evil is thought to be harmful, Many philosophers and scholars have contributed immensely on the debate regarding “Good” and “Evil”, solutions on problems of evil proposed, but still more, defining good and evil remains a central question of ethics. As Christian theology began to emerge in the 3rd and 4th centuries, the problem of evil became particularly challenging because Christianity was committed to the existence of an all-powerful, benevolent God but at the same time acknowledged the existence of evil. At the end of the 4th century St. Augustine formulated the solution that has the greatest influence on subsequent Christian thinkers. As a young man, Augustine had accepted the dualistic theology of Manichaeism. The later influence of Neoplatonism prepared him for his conversion to Christianity a...

African Socialism (By: Dabo Euclid)

Introduction Ontology As the Science of Being Ontology can basically be said to be the science of being. It is that branch of Metaphysics which focuses on the study of being as being. Etymologically, it is derived from the two Greek words, onta meaning existence and logos meaning discourse. It is the study of the nature and meaning of being. The uniqueness of this field of study stem from the fact that it studies the most basic quality of all things which is not within the sphere of other disciplines. This because all that are in existence share one elusive property: being or existence. This quality or property is what concerns ontology. Aja further contends that, “ontology does not consider beings either from a material or immaterial aspects; rather it considers them under the general features which are common to all things and which are attributes or determinations of being  in general or being as such”. Ontology as an attempt at elucidating the nature of being...

Tribute To A Lovely Son ( By: Dabo Euclid)

The cloud was stirred and the brightness of the day was reduces drastically to the minimum, all things began to change as if the world was about to end but no! no! no!, Man cannot end the world he created not for man thought that one day, because of his evil deeds, God out of his anger will end the world. But God’s way differs from that of man’s. The end of the world for a Man as he perceived is the day the person has his or her last breath on his earth. It does not really matter how old the person is, what matters is “how well man lived his life and how prepared he was to face the judgment of the Lord”. Today, our late brother, son and member Vincent De Paul Chionyegbuleya Modozie has met his own end of the world. Just as his name inscribed that persons God should not kill him or her, that has kept him going not  until this sadden day 25th February, 2017 when death knocked at his door. As the bible pointed out in Ecclesiastics Chapter (3) three from verse...