

Ethics (By:Dabo Euclid)

INTRODUCCTION Ethically, the human person has the faculty of reason which help him to distinguish between what is good and what is bad.Man as a thinking being is faced with the perplexity of life. The moral perplexities/concernity people show concern about what we do which they expect, to Concord with human reason. They identify one limitation and let you know that it is wrong. What one does, people are watching to show concern to give moral perplexities; people who show this moral concern, contextualize one's moral action and as they do so, they also tell one to be morally reprehensible. Hence, it is in the light of this aforementioned this paper shall discuss the 'Ethical Theories'. DEFINITION: (Nature of Ethics). Another name for Ethics is "Moral Philosophy". The world Ethics comes from the Greek word " Echo's ",which means custom, character, or a herbitual way of acting. The Greek Ethos is translated by the Latin word " Mos" ...

A response to Prudence Eruetemu's work 'AN ARTICLE WRITTEN IN THE GRAVEYARD (Rewind,select and update)'

A response to Prudence Eruetemu's work 'AN ARTICLE WRITTEN IN THE GRAVEYARD (Rewind,select and update)' It is actually true that life is what we can't really explain, with things and realities having different degrees of perfection, some are much superior to others, and it is also true that everyman must die, dead is what no man can do for you, even 'jesus christ' himself had came and only died his own dead and ours is coming soon. I must die and you must die that's al ready the facts about life, everyman must die his own dead .   But bro, the suggestion that you gave your audience is in itself a problem. the golding rule in itself is a terrible error. I quite agree with you that the only way to make the place is via-our good deeds, my advice is that "you do good and avoid evil". ok let's take it this way, what do you think that a homosexualist or a lesbian will do unto others that they themselves will love and need same in return??????? also...


If you can't grasp the true nature of an entity or reality... Then teach nothing about it because you may only be transmitting or disseminating just your viruses and ignorance to others. If you see nothing... Say nothing. Don't claim tto be an authority on what you are only but a novice in it. D. A. EUCLID.....aug/2016


BY: A. B. D. EUCLID   Any country, nation or community which allows itself to be controlled or 'sit upon' by religion will always be under develop. Unless you think freely, without any form of arbitrariness,dogmatism, subjectivity and you let yourself to see thinks the way that they reaLly are in the real sense you will forever be a 'slave' to man and your "own" personal opinions. Modern Day Nigeria: The victim of Politics with Religiou s Coloration.... By: DABO AMEL EUCLID. AUGUST/016 CONTACTS ME ON::::: E-MAIL: BBM PIN: 33290FA6 PHONE NUMBERS: Home: 08125969393 Office: 07037255221 (Also for whatsaap) Other: 09059824311 SHALOM....


You can learn from our favorite dictum (euclid dabo and prudence Temu.) Which goes like this.. "just as cowards die many times before their dead, over confidence kills" . I always try to avoid anything "trouble" but if it comes my way, I don't run away from it, putting in much effort to welcome it warmly, and solve it sequentially till I find that hidden "X". You should not run away from your problems, because, unless you solve them, the will always be with you....   Adding much interest from the capital that was initially invested. Shallom.... Yours.::.EUCLID A. B. D. ::::Aug.2016::::