

INTRODUCTION So many philosophers have written a lot about the relationship between faith and reason, particularly, those philosophers that existed within the medieval period in the annals of philosophy. Some philosophers opined that faith and reason are two entities that have reconcilable differences. Thus they will always conflict. Some philosophers opined that faith and reason are two entities that have irreconcilable differences, thus they will always conflict. Others opined that faith is superior to reason. On the other hand, some philosophers argued that reason are superior to faith. While some of these Christian thinkers opines that faith and reason are complementary and that the duo need each other to reach their final purposes; that is the attainment of truth. For the sake of delineation of assignment, our focal gaze will be on the thought of Thomas Aquinas’ on the relationship between faith and reason. For us to fully understand his thought, let us briefly look at th


(Dabo Euclid)              INTRODUCTION Going by the nature of thing [de rerum netura], man is born free and remain free and equal in right. Social distinction can only be funded upon the general virtue. They have certain nature right property, life and to liberty, and hence, the state only to recognize and secure such right and not to stratify them.                             THE DECLERATION OF THE RIGHTS OF THE CITIZEN The declaration passels by French National constitution assembles in and avails right. The declaration was directly influenced by Thomas Jeffers working with genera Lafayette, who introduced of influenced also by the doctrine of ‘’natural right’’ The right of man are holy to be universally Valid at all times and every place pertaining human nature himself. It becomes the basis for a nature of free individuals protected equally by low. It is included in the preamble of the constitutions of both fourth French republic [1946] and fifth republic [1958]

Steven Abednego>‎ TRUE CONFESSIONFor everything in the world. The cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and what he does, comes not from the father but from the world ....(1John 2:16)

SOCIALISM (By: Dabo Euclid)

                                                            INTRODUCTION             Socialist economy is based on central planning of all economic activities as opposed to the capitalist market price mechanism. Karl Marx (1818-1883) was the founder of the modern socialism.             In Africa, countries like Ethiopia, Tanzania, Angola, Burkina Faso, Guinea and Mozam Bisque have experimented and some are still experimenting various shades of socialism.                         Karl Marx’s collaborator in developing modern socialism was his friend Friendrtich Engels (1820-1895). Vladimir Lenin led his Bolshevik faction of Russian social-democratic party (now styled the communist party of Russia) to carry out the first socialist revolution In the world in 1917 in the defined union of the soviet socialist Republic (USSR).                                                                 DEFINATION              Socialism may be define as a political cum economic system in w